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Course Curriculum

Introduction to Flutter 00:00:00
Job Acceleration Program (JAP)
Knowing JAP 00:00:00
Elaborating JAP 00:00:00
Chalo INDIA Startup Drive
All about Chalo India Startup Drive 00:00:00
Introduction to Dart 00:00:00
Variables and data types 00:00:00
NUMBERS 00:00:00
Strings 00:00:00
Arithmetic operators 00:00:00
Relational operators 00:00:00
Equality operators 00:00:00
Logical operators 00:00:00
Null operator 00:00:00
Ternary operator 00:00:00
Assignment operators 00:00:00
Conditions and Control statement
If statement 00:00:00
for and while loops 00:00:00
switch statement 00:00:00
break and continue 00:00:00
assert 00:00:00
The basics of functions 00:00:00
Function as a variable 00:00:00
Classes 00:00:00
Constructors 00:00:00
const constructors 00:00:00
Encapsulation 00:00:00
Getters and setters 00:00:00
Flutter Basic Widget
Text Widget 00:00:00
RichText widget 00:00:00
Container 00:00:00
Stack class 00:00:00
Use lists 00:00:00
Create a grid list 00:00:00
Create a horizontal list 00:00:00
Export fonts from a package 00:00:00
Add a Drawer to a screen 00:00:00
Display images from the internet 00:00:00
Delete data on the internet 00:00:00
project 11 00:00:00
Basic widgets – part 3 00:00:00
Flutter Animation
Animate a page route transition 00:00:00
Animate a widget using a physics simulation 00:00:00
Flutter Form Widget
FormField 00:00:00
Build a form with validation 00:00:00
Create and style a text field 00:00:00
Focus and text fields 00:00:00
Handle changes to a text field 00:00:00
Flutter Navigation
Navigate to a new screen and back 00:00:00
Navigate with named routes 00:00:00
Introduction 00:00:00
Introduction 00:00:00
Dive Into Flutter
Dart Features, Installation & First Program 00:00:00
Installations – Basic Syntax – Exercises 00:00:00
Flutter Widgets Part -1 00:00:00
Flutter Widgets Part 2 00:00:00
Flutter Stateful Widgets 00:00:00
Stateful vs Stateless Widgets 00:00:00
Dart Mapping 00:00:00
Flutter Carousel Slider 00:00:00
Flutter Toast, CheckBox 00:00:00
Flutter AlertDialog Widget 00:00:00
Flutter Navigation Bar Widget 00:00:00
Flutter List 00:00:00
flutter tabbar 00:00:00
DeepDive Into Flutter
Flutter RestAPI 00:00:00
Flutter Maps 00:00:00
Flutter Sample App 00:00:00
Flutter Firebase Part 1 00:00:00
Flutter Firebase Part 2 00:00:00
Flutter Firebase PhoneAuth 00:00:00
Flutter Firebase Cloud Storage 00:00:00
Flutter SQLite 00:00:00
Flutter CRUD 00:00:00
Installation of flutter and vs code 00:00:00
Flutter and GitHub Intro 00:00:00
Create first app 00:00:00
Flutter widgets 00:00:00
stateless vs stateful widget 00:00:00
ClipRRect widget 00:00:00
Drawer 00:00:00
Opacity 00:00:00
RichText Widget 00:00:00
Updated AppBar with icons and text 00:00:00
Carousel Slider 00:00:00
Gridview in flutter 00:00:00
Working with Cards 00:00:00
Row and Column Widget 00:00:00
Control Flow ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½ Decision Making Statements 00:00:00
Loops in Dart 00:00:00
Dart Boolean and Functions 00:00:00
Anonymous Functions & Lexical Scope 00:00:00
Quiz – 1 00:04:00
Send data to a new screen 00:00:00
optional and required parameters 00:00:00
arrow Functions 00:00:00
named parameters for Functions 00:00:00
@required keyword 00:00:00
positional parameters 00:00:00
default parameter values 00:00:00
Return data from a screen 00:00:00
Persist data with SQLite 00:00:00
Display a snackbar 00:00:00
Dart Set 00:00:00
Dart Map 00:00:00
Dart List 00:00:00
Scaffold Widget 00:00:00
FINAL TEST Unlimited
Congrats ! Submit the course completion form. 00:00:00