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Course Curriculum

Introduction to Android Course 00:00:00
Job Acceleration Program (JAP)
Knowing JAP 00:00:00
Elaborating JAP 00:00:00
1 Basics of Java 00:00:00
2 JDK,JRE,JVM 00:00:00
4 How to Create & Run a Java program without Intellij Idea 00:00:00
Chalo INDIA Startup Drive
All about Chalo India Startup drive 00:00:00
5 Data Types,Variables & Operators Part-1 00:00:00
6 Operators Programs Part ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½ 2 00:00:00
7 Operators Programs Part ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½ 3 00:00:00
8 Control Statements in Java 00:00:00
9 Iterators in Java 00:00:00
10 Example of Control Statements & Iterators 00:00:00
11 Switch Case Example 00:00:00
12 Arrays in JAVA 00:00:00
13 Single Dimension Arrays 00:00:00
14 MultiDimensional Arrays 00:00:00
15 Scanner class in Java 00:00:00
16 Strings in Java 00:00:00
17 String sample Programs 00:00:00
18 String Buffer & Builder , String Tokenizer 00:00:00
19 OOPS (Methods & Method Overloading) 00:00:00
20 Sample Programs for Methods & Method Overloading 00:00:00
21 Class, Object, Getter & Setter 00:00:00
Quiz 1-Quiz in Android 00:06:00
22 Example for Class, Object, Getter & Setter 00:00:00
23 Inheritance & types,super ,final, this keywords 00:00:00
24 Examples for Inheritance & types,super ,final, this keywords 00:00:00
25 Constructors & Constructor Overloading in java 00:00:00
26 Examples of Constructors & Constructor Overloading in java 00:00:00
Quiz 2-Quiz in Android 00:03:00
27 Examples of This keyword 00:00:00
28 Examples of Super Keyword 00:00:00
29 Examples of Final keyword in java 00:00:00
30 Static keyword in Java 00:00:00
31 Examples of Call by Value & Call by Reference 00:00:00
32 Examples of Static Keyword in java 00:00:00
Quiz 3-Quiz in Android 00:06:00
33 Inner Classes in Java & Generics 00:00:00
34 Access Modifiers in Java 00:00:00
35 Packages & Static Import 00:00:00
36 Examples of Packages & Static Import 00:00:00
37 Examples of Access Modifiers in JAVA 00:00:00
38 Examples of InnerClasses in Java 00:00:00
2 JDK,JRE,JVM 00:00:00
4 How to Create & Run a Java program without Intellij Idea 00:00:00
5 Data Types,Variables & Operators Part-1 00:00:00
Operators Programs Part ā€“ 2 00:00:00
7 Operators Programs Part ā€“ 3 00:00:00
8 Control Statements in Java 00:00:00
9 Iterators in Java 00:00:00
10 Example of Control Statements & Iterators 00:00:00
11 Switch Case Example 00:00:00
12 Arrays in JAVA 00:00:00
13 Single Dimension Arrays 00:00:00
14 MultiDimensional Arrays 00:00:00
15 Scanner class in Java 00:00:00
16 Strings in Java 00:00:00
17 String sample Programs 00:00:00
18 String Buffer & Builder , String Tokenizer 00:00:00
19 OOPS (Methods & Method Overloading) 00:00:00
20 Sample Programs for Methods & Method Overloading 00:00:00
21 Class, Object, Getter & Setter 00:00:00
22 Example for Class, Object, Getter & Setter 00:00:00
23 Inheritance & types,super ,final, this keywords 00:00:00
24 Examples for Inheritance & types,super ,final, this keywords 00:00:00
25 Constructors & Constructor Overloading in java 00:00:00
26 Examples of Constructors & Constructor Overloading in java 00:00:00
27 Examples of This keyword 00:00:00
28 Examples of Super Keyword 00:00:00
29 Examples of Final keyword in java 00:00:00
30 Static keyword in Java 00:00:00
31 Examples of Call by Value & Call by Reference 00:00:00
32 Examples of Static Keyword in java 00:00:00
33 Inner Classes in Java & Generics 00:00:00
Quiz 4-Quiz in Android 00:05:00
34 Access Modifiers in Java 00:00:00
35 Packages & Static Import 00:00:00
36 Examples of Packages & Static Import 00:00:00
37 Examples of Access Modifiers in JAVA 00:00:00
Quiz 5-Quiz in Android 00:05:00
38 Examples of InnerClasses in Java 00:00:00
39 Method overloading & overriding 00:00:00
40 Abstraction in Java & Examples of Abstract class 00:00:00
41 Interface Example 00:00:00
42 Encapsulation in Java 00:00:00
43 Exception Handling 00:00:00
44 Examples of Exceptions in Java 00:00:00
45 User Defined Exception 00:00:00
46 Thread in Java 00:00:00
47 Thread Synchronization part-1 00:00:00
48 Thread Synchronization part-2 00:00:00
49 Event Handling 00:00:00
50 Collection Framework 00:00:00
51 Examples of Collection Framework part-1 00:00:00
Quiz 6-Quiz in Android 00:05:00
52 Examples of Collection Framework Part-2 00:00:00
AVODHA Official Kannada YouTube Channel 00:00:00
1 Introduction to Android 00:00:00
2 Basic Android Theories & Android Studio Installation 00:00:00
3 Familiarization of Android studio 00:00:00
Quiz 7-Quiz in Android 00:05:00
4 Attractive Layout Designing & Sample App running 00:00:00
5 Android Activity Lifecycle 00:00:00
6 Explicit Intent in Android 00:00:00
7 Implicit Intent 00:00:00
Quiz 8-Quiz in Android 00:05:00
8 Splash Screen 00:00:00
9 Animation in Android 00:00:00
10 Admin Login Page 00:00:00
11 RadioButton & Table Layout 00:00:00
Quiz 9-Quiz in Android 00:05:00
12 CheckBox & Value Passing Through Intent 00:00:00
13 Spinner in Android 00:00:00
14 Custom Spinner in Android 00:00:00
15 SeekBar , RatingBar & ProgressBar 00:00:00
Quiz 10-Quiz in Android 00:05:00
16 AutoCompleteTextView & WebView 00:00:00
17 ListView & GridView in Android 00:00:00
18 Custom ListView & GridView 00:00:00
19 Expandable ListView in Android 00:00:00
20 TabHost & ScrollViews 00:00:00
21 Sliding Drawer & Custom Alert Dialog 00:00:00
22 Alert Dialog , Number picker & Custom Toast 00:00:00
23 Time , Date Picker & Calender View 00:00:00
24 Camera in Android 00:00:00
Quiz 11-Quiz in Android 00:05:00
25 VideoView in Android 00:00:00
26 Music Player in Android 00:00:00
27 Option, Context, Popup Menu in Android 00:00:00
28 ImageSwitcher in Android 00:00:00
Quiz 12-Quiz in android 00:06:00
29 GalleryView in Android 00:00:00
30 Toggle Button 00:00:00
31 MapView & Fragment 00:00:00
32 Phone , SMS & Text to Speech 00:00:00
33 Timer in Android 00:00:00
34 Internet & BlueTooth in Android 00:00:00
Quiz 13-Quiz in Android 00:03:00
35 WIFI in Android 00:00:00
36 Recycler & Card View 00:00:00
37 AdapterViewFlipper 00:00:00
38 Navigation Drawer in Android 00:00:00
39 Service, Broadcast Receiver ,Sensor in Android 00:00:00
40 Notification in Android 00:00:00
Quiz 14-Quiz in Android 00:05:00
41 Alarm in Android 00:00:00
42 AsyncTask in Android 00:00:00
43 File Read & Write Internal Storage 00:00:00
44 File Read & Write External Storage 00:00:00
45 SharedPreferences in Android 00:00:00
46 SQLite DataBase in Android 00:00:00
Quiz 15-Quiz in Android 00:05:00
47 JSON Parsing in Android 00:00:00
48 XML Parsing using DOM Parser 00:00:00
49 XML Parsing using SAX & XML PullParser 00:00:00
50 Login&Reg using Sqlite. &Data Management without Openhelper 00:00:00
51 Simple Calculator, Chronometer , GetBatteryHeat 00:00:00
52 Data sharing between Apps using Content Provider 00:00:00
53 FloatingActionButton & Snackbar in Android 00:00:00
54 QuickContactBadge in Android 00:00:00
55 StackView in Android 00:00:00
56 ClipBoard in Android 00:00:00
57 Firebase Login & Registration using Email 00:00:00
58 Google Map Features 00:00:00
59 Restful WebService in Android 00:00:00
60 JSON Parsing Using Volley in Android 00:00:00
61 Retrofit Android ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½ fetching JSON from url 00:00:00
62 Drag&Drop and Accelerometer Sensor in Android 00:00:00
64 Custom ActionBar in Android 00:00:00
63 Botton Navigation in Android 00:00:00
1 KOTLIN Introduction & Installation 00:00:00
2 Kotlin Features and First Sample Program 00:00:00
3 DataTypes & Variables 00:00:00
4 Operators in Kotlin 00:00:00
5 Input & Output Operations in Kotlin 00:00:00
6 TypeCast, Kotlin Block ,Statement & Expressions 00:00:00
7 Control Flow Statements in Kotlin 00:00:00
8 Kotlin For Loop 00:00:00
9 Kotlin When Expression 00:00:00
10 Unlabeled Break in Kotlin 00:00:00
11 Labeled Break in Kotlin 00:00:00
12 Unlabeled and Labeled Continue in Kotlin 00:00:00
13 Kotlin Array Introduction 00:00:00
14 Array Accessing and Modification in Kotlin 00:00:00
15 String Creation & Functions in Kotlin 00:00:00
16 String Literal & String Equality in Kotlin 00:00:00
17 Kotlin Functions 00:00:00
18 Default & Named Argument in Kotlin 00:00:00
19 Kotlin Sample Programs Using Loop & Control Statements 00:00:00
20 Recursive Function in Kotlin 00:00:00
21 Tail Recursion in Kotlin 00:00:00
22 Lambda Expression & Anonymous Functions 00:00:00
23 Kotlin InLine Functions 00:00:00
24 InFix Function Notation in Kotlin 00:00:00
25 Higher Order Functions 00:00:00
26 Kotlin Collection ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½ Immutable & Mutable Collection 00:00:00
27 Collection ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½ Kotlin list ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½ ArrayList 00:00:00
28 Collection ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½ Kotlin list ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½ listOf() 00:00:00
29 Collection Kotlin Set ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½ setOf() & mutableSetOf() 00:00:00
30 Collection Kotlin Set ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½ hashSetOf() 00:00:00
31 Collection Kotlin Map ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½ mapOf() & HashMap 00:00:00
32 Kotlin OOPS -Class & Object 00:00:00
Quiz 16-Quiz in Android 00:05:00
33 Kotlin OOPS ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½ Nested and Inner Class 00:00:00
34 Kotlin OOPS -Getter and Setter 00:00:00
35 Class Properties and Constructors in Kotlin 00:00:00
36 Kotlin Visibility Modifiers 00:00:00
37 Kotlin Inheritance 00:00:00
38 Kotlin Interfaces 00:00:00
39 Kotlin Data Classes 00:00:00
40 Sealed Classes in Kotlin 00:00:00
41 Abstract Class in Kotlin 00:00:00
42 Enum Class in Kotlin 00:00:00
43 Extension Function in Kotlin 00:00:00
44 Kotlin Generics 00:00:00
45 Exception & Exception Handling in Kotlin 00:00:00
46 Kotlin Exception Nested Try catch and Multiple Catch Block 00:00:00
47 Kotlin Null Safety 00:00:00
48 Fail & InLine Functions in Kotlin 00:00:00
49 Type Checking and Smart Casting in Kotlin 00:00:00
50 Regular Expressions in Kotlin 00:00:00
51 Ranges in Kotlin 00:00:00
52 Collection Additional Functions 00:00:00
53 Annotations in Kotlin 00:00:00
54 Reflection in Koltin 00:00:00
55 Operator Overloading in Kotlin 00:00:00
56 Equality Evalution in Kotlin 00:00:00
57 Comparator in Kotlin ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½ part 1 00:00:00
58 Comparator in Kotlin ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½ part 2 00:00:00
59 Triple and Pair in Kotlin 00:00:00
60 Calling Java code from Kotlin (Java Interoperability) 00:00:00
61 Calling Kotlin code from Java (Java Interoperability) 00:00:00
62 Kotlin Thread vs Coroutine 00:00:00
63 Kotlin Standard Library Functions 00:00:00
Bonus Lecture ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½ What Next ? 00:00:00
1 Introduction to Android using Kotlin 00:00:00
2 TextView and EditText Implementation 00:00:00
3 Custom Toast Using Kotlin 00:00:00
4 AutoComplete TextView using Kotlin 00:00:00
5 Checked TextView 00:00:00
6 Dynamic ImageView 00:00:00
7 Dynamic Image Button 00:00:00
8 Radio Group & Radio Button 00:00:00
9 Kotlin ListView 00:00:00
10 Kotlin SeekBar 00:00:00
11 Discrete SeekBar in Kotlin 00:00:00
Quiz 17-Quiz in Android 00:05:00
12 Rating Bar 00:00:00
13 ProgressBar 00:00:00
14 FrameLayout 00:00:00
15 Explicit Intent 00:00:00
16 Implicit Intent 00:00:00
17 Alert Dialog 00:00:00
18 ContextMenu 00:00:00
19 CustomListView 00:00:00
20 Option Menu 00:00:00
21 TimePicker Using Fragmet 00:00:00
22 CardView Programatically 00:00:00
23 Bottom Navigation Bar 00:00:00
24 Notification in Kotlin 00:00:00
25 Json Parsing with Recycler and CardView 00:00:00
FINAL TEST Unlimited
Congrats ! Submit the course completion form. 00:00:00